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Solid-state chemistry resources:

Thermodynamic Properties

Salt phase diagrams: http://www.crct.polymtl.ca/fact/documentation/FTsalt/FTsalt_Figs.htm
Dictionary of chemical solubilities
Drying solvents: http://delloyd.50megs.com/moreinfo/drying.html
Interactive Ellingham Diagrams

Database subscriptions

ASM phase diagrams: http://www1.asminternational.org/asmenterprise/apd/default.aspx
ACerS-NIST Oxide phase diagrams: http://phase.ceramics.org/Publicstore/Profile/Login.aspx
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database: http://icsd.fiz-karlsruhe.de/icsd/

Crystallography Resources

International Zeolite Association (for structures and synthetic protocols).
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database limited, but free crystal structure database.
VESTA for drawing crystal structures and electron densities (free, any platform)
Shannon-Prewitt Ionic Radii (Hosted by Prof. Ram Seshadri)
Brillouin Zones applet for 3D visualization.


Communicating science

Trees, Maps, and Theorems; Jean-Luc Doumont, a guide to increasing the signal-to-noise ratio in scientific communication.
Ram Seshadri's Guide to Figures for talks and posters.
Tips for Xmgrace.
Other science software tips.


Beamline 11-BM High-resolution, mail-in synchrotron diffraction.
Powder diffraction crystallography resources: Diffraction and GSAS/EXPGUI tutorials.
Total Scattering Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
High-Intensity Powder Diffractometer (HIPD) for neutron diffraction at Los Alamos National Lab. Capable of collecting low Q scattering for magnetism, while also collecting high counting statistics at high Q for extracting the pair-distribution function for information of disorder and the local structure.
Neutron Powder Diffractometer (NPDF) at Los Alamos National lab is a high-resolution diffractometer capable of producing excellent pair distribution functions.
Bringing GSAS TOF data into FullProf : Occasionally it is advantageous to use FullProf to analyze time-of-flight data to study magnetic diffraction via representational analysis. This tutorial will help you get your data formatted properly.